Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Back in April, I was sure I was going to be able to keep up with this blog - I all do it with some regularity, why can't I? Hmmmmm - good question. No good answer other than other things like working, stitching and everyday life things. The past 8 months have been good. I was very fortunate to attend a 3-day stitching retreat at a bed and breakfast with some new stitching friends. We stitched and ate great breakfasts, drank some wine, stitched and laughed and just had a wonderful, relaxing time. I've found that my stitching interests have broadened as has my stash!! I've declared 2011 the year of more finishes than starts (wish me luck on that one) and have joined Up for A Challenge and named my 15 WIP's that need to be seriously addressed.

First on the list to be done is a piece called Cleveland, which I've been stitching for a high school friend who now lives in Australia. There's a ton of confetti stitches and backstitching - not my favorite, which explains that one languishing in the drawer. The oldest one is The Barn Raising - done on 14 count aida!!!! But I like the design and since it's about 2/3 done, why not finish?!

I need to post pictures too - that's part of the fun of reading blogs - to see what others have done. So hopefully I can keep this going a little better in 2011.

Happy New Year to you and your families.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New to Blogging

After months of reading others blogs, I've finally taken the plunge and am trying one of my own. So how did I choose this name? What else is a gal who does taxes for living and has cross-stitch for her hobby name her blog? And when the frogs come to visit my stitching chair, trust me, it can be very, very taxing.

I'll be putting in a profile and adding some pictures by the end of the week as I get used to sharing my thoughts about stitching and my family. In the meantime - try to find some time for yourself.
